Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Climate Change Action - April-May, 2008

April 16: 7:30 pm LesterR. Brown , "Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization"
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, 310 Tulip Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912

Tues, April 22 - EARTH DAY
Find events at www.earthday.net

Tues, April 22, 7pm - Earth Day Rally Extraordinaire
Attend this benefit for CCAN the evening of April 22nd with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners. Hear these two prominent national progressive leaders speak about the climate emergency and the movement to address it. Also speaking will be Betsy Taylor, founder of the 1Sky campaign, and Ted Glick and Mike Tidwell. The event will be held at GW Lisner Auditorium beginning at 7 pm. For tickets - $15, $10 for students, click here.
Directions to Lisner Aud, 21st & H Sts, NW, DC here.

Sat April 26 - Area Electronics Recycling. Email electronics@aceweb.com for an automated reply that gives locations and other important details.

Sun April 27, 4:30 to 6:30 pm Addressing Climate Change through Lifestyle, Technology & Advocacy at the Local & Personal Level at the Baltimore Green Forum,
MD Presbyterian Church, 1105 Providence Road,Towson, 21286
David O'Leary, Smart Energy Solutions Chair, and Cool Cities Campaign Chair for The Sierra Club MD, and a leading authority in this area, will discuss how local governments are beginning to address climate change in Baltimore County, Baltimore City and elsewhere, and how citizens impact this process. Beth Strommen, manager of Baltimore City's new Office of Sustainability, will summarize the new sustainability program and legislation, and how public policy interacts with action by businesses and individuals.. To co-sponsor or ask questions email baltimoregreenforum@gmail.com

April 28 to May 2, 2008 - Baltimore Green Week

Thurs, May 1, 3 pm to 6 pm Showcase of organizations providing job training and careers in the green economy, part of Baltimore Green Week Futures for the Sustainable Workforce, Morgan State University. Showcase of organizations providing job training and careers in the green economy. Hosted by Civic Works, Parks and People, and Morgan State University’s Career Development Center. FREE and open to the general public and students from Morgan State. Information at www.baltimoregreenweek.org

Thurs, May 1, 6:30pm to 8:00pm - Van Jones at Morgan State University FREE
Hear one of today’s leading voices in helping to create jobs for low income and inner city communities through the Green Industrial Revolution. Van Jones is the founder and president of the Green for All Foundation, which focuses on environmental justice and jobs, and his new Green For All campaign. www.greenforall.org. Hosted by Marc Steiner!
At Morgan State University, 5200 Perring Parkway, Baltimore, Md in the Main Aud. Rm 241, Schaeffer Bldg, Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Sch of Engineering. Flyer here.

May 6 6:30-8:00pm Creating a Climate of Change: Women, Nuclear Energy and Justice in a Warming World Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1530 P ST. NW, DC
Public event where women Nobel Peace Laureates and co-founders of the Nobel Women's Initiative, Wangari Maathai and Jody Williams, will discuss their vision of 'climate justice' - an approach to climate change that recognizes differential responsibilities for developed and developing countries, and puts the rights of people, especially women, at the centre of the climate debate. Pat Mitchell, President of The Paley Center for Media and the former President and CEO of Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), will moderate. www.nobelwomensinitiative.org More info here. RSVP here.

May 10 and 11, 2008, 10AM to 7PM 4th Annual Green Man Festival in Greenbelt Md www.greenbeltgreenmanfestival.org/ Greenbelt's Fourth Green Man Festival is a celebration of Greenbelt's commitment to preserve its acres of forests and to honor this green Earth by choosing wisely and acting locally. Music, Vendors, Films, Crafts, environmental awareness, food, and fun.

Sun May 18th, 2008 4:30 - 6:30 PM Spirituality and the Environment: How Different Faiths Approach Stewardship of Creation - BALTIMORE GREEN FORUM
MD Presbyterian Church, 1105 Providence Road, Towson, 21286
A monthly educational forum on climate and environmental issues usually on the last Sunday of each month (but not in May), open to the public, free of charge. Formed in our local area in late 2007, the forum features speakers or videos, always with discussion and fellowship. For questions, to co-sponsor, or to RSVP email: baltimoregreenforum@gmail.com

Sun, May 18, 2008 6:30pm Greening Your Home 101 - Speaker: Anca Novacovici of www.eco-coach.com at the Monthly Simplicity Forum in a private home in Bethesda. Free. RSVP forum@simplicity-matters.org or call 301-652-0492 . Flyer here.

Tues, May 20, 7:30 pm One Sky: Creating Our Green Future Together
Majora Carter, K.C. Golden and Betsy Taylor with host Eugene Sutton
Washington National Cathedral - directions here Info and registration here.
Come hear Majora Carter, Sustainable South Bronx founder and MacArthur genius grant recipient's powerful vision of "green for all" along with the visionary voices and pragmatic activism of K.C. Golden, a Seattle-based climate policy expert, and Betsy Taylor, chair of the 1-Sky Campaign, hosted by the Cathedral's canon pastor the Rev. Eugene Sutton. Proceeds will benefit Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light and the GreenCathedral initiatives.

See the amazing short video - "The Story of Stuff" at www.storyofstuff.com.
This fast-paced 20 min video shows how the "materials economy" is killing the climate and what we can do to change. The story of stuff is about finding new values that support life on this planet! Watch online, download and/or order CD. And share the message!


The Alliance for Global Warming in Maryland - www.alliancemd.org/
See list of partners here. NSP Maryland has signed up and should be reflected soon.

Chesapeake Climate Action Network site -see this site for cutting edge local climate activism and climate activism news at www.chesapeakeclimate.org/blog/.

Local Climate Action/Climate Change groups:
Baltimore - www.baltimoreclimate.org
Greenbelt - www.greenbeltclimateaction.com/
Howard County - www.hococlimatechange.org


Simplicity Matters Earth Institute (SMEI) calendar is here . SMEI offers discussion and action circles in the MD from Balti to Frederick to Annapolis and DC on voluntary simplicity, globalization, etc, and a new popular 4 week discussion circle on global warming. Info at: SimplicityGrpsMD@aol.com . Also Bethesda and Baltimore Sunday night Forums

Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light - www.gwipl.org/ has many great climate change resources and a local calendar here

EVERY TUES - Radio and TV on Climate Change
10 to 11 AM - Earthbeat with Mike Tidewell & Daphne Wisham WFMW 89.3 FM DC www.earthbeatradio.org - listen online at www.wpfw.org/
9pm ON TV - "The Green" on Sundance - Info: http://www.sundancechannel.com/thegreen#/homePage