NSP MD February Meetings
Sat, Feb 17, 2007, Baltimore NSP will meet at 10 AM. Contact jraitzyk@hotmail.com
Sun, Feb 25, the Howard Co. chapter meets at 6:30 pm in the Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, 10431 Twin Rivers Road, SJU rooms 15-16 Columbia MD, 21044.. Ted Nunn Md Coordinator for the Campaign for the Department of Peace will speak about that effort and Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Info email: nspmaryland@gmail.com.
Mon. Feb.26, 2007 Montgomery/Prince Georges NSP will meet a 7:30 at Paint Branch Unitarian Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783-1097
DIRECTIONS: http://www.pbuuc.org/info/directions/index.html
Info email: mpg.nsp@gmail.com
For info on NSP Southern MD in Annapolis contact alexxina@gmail.dot com
Sat, March 24 in Columbia MD from 10AM to 3pm
LIVING PEACE: A Half-day Introduction to Compassionate Communication
(NVC /Nonviolent Communication) - led by Jeanne Marcus of CapitolNVC.org
How can we stay in touch with the deep needs and longings of our heart, and live in inner peace?
How can express our own values with honesty and clarity, even during encounters with people we find difficult?
How can we give practical form to the values of compassion and nonviolence in all aspects of our lives?
Immerse yourself in the practice of expressing and living from your own values, while at the same time holding everyone's needs dear. This workshop will cover the fundamentals of Non-Violent Communication (NVC) through large and small group discussions, role plays, and other activities.
Simple in concept, but with great spiritual depth, NVC contains both a set of basic skills, and practices for growing a compassionate heart. When we bring these to our encounters with the difficult situations in our lives, we create possibilities for transforming conflict into new levels of authenticity and connection
Space is limited. For reservations email: nspmaryland@gmail.com
See flyer here.
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