Peace and Justice Activism, Fall 2008
Sun, Sept 7, 2-5 pm Maryland United for Peace and Justice meeting at Christ the King Episcopal Church, 1930 Brookdale Road, Baltimore, MD 21244
Thurs, Sept 11 4-6pm, Baltimore Peace Path - Women in Black, Baltimore, invites everyone in the greater Baltimore community to stand holding a sign of peace along Charles street from downtown to the Beltway Info at:
Poster at:
Thurs, Sept 11, 7-9:30pm "Reclaiming Tools from the Kabbalah and Sufism for Peacemaking in the Middle East" -Interfaith Circle for Chants, Prayers & Teachings for Peace (in Arabic, English & Hebrew) Presenters: Eliyahu McLean and Ghassan Manasra from Israel/Palestine are leading Jewish and Muslim scholars and religious leaders who have dedicated their lives to peacemaking and bridge building. see for their bio. Location: Sandy Spring Friends Meeting (Quakers), 17715 Meeting House Rd, Sandy Spring, MD 20860. 301-774-9792 Suggested donation - $10.00 ~ Sponsor:
Thurs Sept 11, 2008 7:00 p.m. Candlelight Labyrinth Walk remembering the World Trade Center bombing and United Flight 93, holding a candle, walking the labyrinth and praying for peace. LOCATION: Northeast Interfaith Peace Garden, 4414 Frankford Avenue . Baltimore MD 21206 (at St. Anthony of Padua Church) Sponsored by FRIENDS of the Northeast Interfaith Peace Garden. Questions or details, call 410-254-2883
Sat, Sept 20, A Million Doors for Peace - Join with UFPJ, USAction/True Majority, Pax Christi USA, Win Without War, Catholics United and others in gathering more grass roots support for peace. On this day, volunteer door-knockers will be asking people to sign an anti-war petition directed to Congress. In addition they will be giving out literature inviting people to join local anti-war groups and offering other ideas for how people can get involved. In order to be successful, at least 25,000 door knockers will be needed around the country to talk to their neighbors. Information about how to get involved here.
Wednesday, September 24th, 7 p.m.Dr. Trita Parsi will discuss and sign his book, Treacherous Alliance - The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel and the United States. at the Whitaker Campus Commons, Hood College. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former U.S. National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, has called Dr. Pari’s book, “A penetrating, provocative, and very timely study that deciphers how U.S. policy in the Middle East has been manipulated both by Iran and by Israel even as relations between these two oscillated between secret collusion and overt collision.” Co-sponsored, Women in Black Frederick, Hood College
Washington Peace Center -
Women in Black - Baltimore -
Women in Black - Frederick -
American Friends Service Committee Mid-Atlantic -
Peace Action Montgomery County Md -
PG County Peace and Justice Coalition -
Anne Arundel County Peace Action -
Nonviolent Communication Training (NVC) in the DC area -
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