The Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland
Wed, May 13, "Agenda for a New Economy" 7:30 pm - in Adelphi MD. Part II of program on David Korten's, author of "the Great Turning". David Korten wrote an article for TIKKUN magazine, "AN ECONOMY FOR THE 21st CENTURY", available at His new book is "Agenda for a New Economy - From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth". We'll continue discussing Korten's vision which is locally based, community oriented and devoted to a better life for all, and watch parts of a online video of a talk he gave. At Paint Branch UU Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783 sponsored by the Network of Spiritual Progressives in MD
Wed June 17 - 7:30 pm- Next NSP Meeting Continuing to Explore Economic Justice and Sustainability and A New Way Forward -At Paint Branch UU Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783 Continuing to explore improving our economy and our democracy informed by the work on sustainability and the economy of David Korten and by We'll show a short A New Way Forward Video, and explore action steps and next steps we can take individually and as a chapter. Finally, we'll have a short business meeting on planning our 4th of July Inter-Dependence Day Picnic and other upcoming events.
4th Annual 4th of July Inter-Dependence Day Picnic
Sat July 4th At Paint Branch UU Church - 4-7:30 pm (Rain or Shine)
Sat July 4th At Paint Branch UU Church - 4-7:30 pm (Rain or Shine)
Sponsored by Paint Branch Social Action Committee and the Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland. Co-sponsors include: PeaceAction Montgomery, The Howard County Coalition for Peace and Justice, Maryland United for Peace and Justice, the Greenbelt Climate Action Network, Grandmothers for Peace in Md, Prince George's Peace & Justice Coalition, World Peacemakers at Dayspring Church
Flyer here.
Rabbi Lerner on Inter-Dependence Day here.
Many Declarations of Inter-Dependence here.
Flyer here.
Rabbi Lerner on Inter-Dependence Day here.
Many Declarations of Inter-Dependence here.
Links to more Interdependence Day Quotes here.
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