Peace & Justice Activism Winter - Spring 2010
Mon Feb. 22, 6 to 7 pm - "Free Speech for People, Not Corporations: Rally to Take Back Democracy" in Annapolis. Join the rally for campaign finance reform!. Lawyer's Mall, Annapolis (near Church Circle), Contact:, 240-280-2582 or 410-812-1447 for further information. (It is recommended that you park at the Navy Stadium on Rowe Blvd. by 5:30 and take the shuttle to the capitol.) See
Mon Feb 22 - Wed Feb 24 - HCAN - Health Care for America Now - March to the Finish Line - Rallies in Baltimore and DC Info here and here.
Thurs, Feb 25, 7-9 pm - Legislative Forum on Progressives Issues in MD 2010
Explore how we, as progressives, can be more effective in joint action on issues that include: health care, marriage equality, protection for transgender people, keeping the Guard at home, student privacy around military testing, and governmental transparency and campaign finance reform. Briefings on status from leading activists. Legislators invited to give their positions.
Catonsville Library, 1100 Frederick Road, Baltimore, MD 21228
Tues, March 9 11:30am Stand Up to Big Insurance! in DC.
10:30 am - Gather at Dupont Circle, Connecticut and 19th St. NW, DC
11 am - March to AHIP conference at Ritz Carlton Hotel, 22nd & M NW
Noon - Massive protest rally & "citizens' arrest" of AHIP at Ritz-Carltonat the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 22nd & M Sts, NW (To march with the labor delegation, meet at 11am in front of AFSCME at 1625 L St NW) Obscenely high rate hikes, hundreds of millions of dollars in profits sent to parent companies, 100's of executives earning $1 m+ salaries, millions more spent on lavish executive "retreats". This has to STOP! AHIP, the big insurance lobby, comes to town next week to lobby Congress against health reform and for the right to continue to screw plan members. Join 5,000 union members, community activists, and faith leaders to tell big insurance "we're sick of it!" See and See also - DC map here. Buses from Maryland to DC info here.
Wed March 10, 8:00 - 9:00 PM EST, Teleconference call with Raed Jarrar AFSC Iraq Consultant on Iraq: Elections, Occupation and the Withdrawal of US Forces. Details at:
Fri, March 12, 7 -10pm . "Tunes of Transformation: A Concert Supporting the US Social Forum" Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol St., NE Washington DC. A rich cultural evening featuring singing, musical performances, drumming, and spoken-word poetry. All proceeds will support travel and scholarships for DC persons attending the US Social Forum in Detroit, June 22-26th. $10 suggested donation, Organizations invited to table for $25 per organization.
Sun, Mar 14, 3-5 pm - Why Fund War - talk by Phyllis Bennis, Author "Ending the War in Afganistan" and Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action. At the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center, the Meeting House, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia Md. Flyer here.
Sun, March 21, 1pm - Baltimore Tikkun shows "New Hope For Peace What America Must Do To End the Israel-Palestine Conflict". DVD Produced and Presented by: Landrum Bolling, with Jimmy Carter, James A. Baker, Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski Join to view and discuss this important presentation. Location: Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore MD. See also on YouTube here.
Tues, March 23, 7:30 pm Mark Braverman, DC Jewish-American author, will introduce and discuss his thought-provoking new book "Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews, and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land" at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Baltimore, located at 4 East University Parkway (corner of N. Charles St.). The public is invited to attend this free event. A light reception and author booksigning follow.
Sat April 17, 9-3:30 pm 25th Annual Maryland Peace and Justice Conference "Connecting to Create the Change We Seek - Creating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Beloved Community" at the Owen Brown Interfaith Center, 7246 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD, 21045 Keynote speaker: Rev. Grayland Hagler, Pastor. Plymouth Congregational Church, Washington, D.C.
Fri-Sat - April 23 10- 8, April 24 10-5, Amnesty International Human Rights Arts Festival in Silver Spring, Md -
Sun, April 25, 2010 2 - 5 p.m. Review of 2010 Maryland General Assembly - The Progressive Working Group (PWG) meeting with Delegates, State Senators, and Constituents at the Laurel Regional Hospital, 7300 Van Dusen Road, Laurel, MD 20707 in the J. Russell Jones Room. Where does your representative stand on key issues:
Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government
Healthcare Reform
Gender Issues
Peace and Justice
Learn what legislation passed, what legislation didn’t make it to a vote; and Share legislative priorities you have for the 2011 session. Info: 443 604 2298Campaign Finance and Transparency in Government
Healthcare Reform
Gender Issues
Peace and Justice
Tues, April 27, 2010 9:30 am to 3:30pm - Domestic Dysfuntion in the Israel-Palestine Conflict - the Peace Process meets Anti-Politics - Speakers: Ghaith al-Omari, Yossi Alpher, Amjad Atallah, Kenneth Pollack, Yoram Peri and Shibley Telhami. LOCATION: Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center/Orem Alumni Hall University of Maryland, College Park. PLEASE RSVP to, or 301-405-463 See: and
Between May 4 and 8 - Community Mobilization Forums - Strategies to End Corporate Control of Government - Sponsored nationwide by councils in cities nationwide - See May 8 event in Howard County here.
Sat, May 8, 11:30 - 1:30pm Peace Action Montgomery Annual Spring Banquet. The keynote speaker is Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst and prominent author and speaker. Del. Sheila Hixson and Sen. Jamie Raskin will be honored with the Maryland Peace Maker Award this year. The luncheon will feature Middle Eastern food, with a suggested donation of $20. Attend to raise funds for Afghan Women and Children, win an Electric Bike/Scooter, and celebrate work for peace this past year! LOCATION: Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville, 100 Welsh Park Dr., Rockville, MD Directions here RSVP to so that they can order enough food for everyone!
Sat May 8 - At 12 noon join a "RALLY FOR THE RIGHT TO A JOB" in front of the US Labor Dept, 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210
Sat May 15 10-4 - The DC Greater DC Social Forum hosts Greater DC People's Assembly
Mon-Wed June 7-9 2010 - Our Future Now Conference
Maryland Single Payer -
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