Climate Change Action
HURRAH - Montgomery County passed a Carbon Tax - Info here.
Wed, June 16. 6.30pm - 8.30pm Washington Area Local Living Economy - Strategic Conversations to Promote a More Just & Sustainable Metro-area Economy with Larry Chang (Ecolocity), Rev. Peter Dennebaum (First Congregational UCC, DC), Jerry Konohia (Open Door Housing Fund), Beth Norcross (Sustainable Seminaries Project), Rev. Janet Parker (Rock Spring UCC, Arlington, VA), Irv Sheffey (Sierra Club). LOCATION: Friends of the Earth, 1100 15th Street NW, ( Corner of L Street), 11th floor, Washington, D.C. 20005
WAS Sat, June 19, 10:00AM-3:30PM - POSTPONED UNTIL FALL 2010 -Workshop on Starting a Common Security Club, The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd NW Washington, DC. A Common Security Club is a new way for group leaders and trainers to help communities help themselves in these troubled economic times. The curriculum links the the economic and environmental crises to the need for sustainability. Training on how to lead our 5-session curriculum designed to launch your Club. It's simple, participatory and truly rewarding. The Trainers: Chuck Collins and Andrée Zaleska from the Institute for Policy Studies. $20 covers materials and lunch. A sliding fee scale is available. Space is limited, so please register early. For Registration see: More Info:
Tues, June 22, 2010 5-6:30 p.m. Covenanting for Creation at Bolton Street Synagogue. 212 W. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, MD 21210. Eucumenical gathering hosted by the Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. Join leaders from the Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities in an ecumenical signing ceremony of a covenant working toward the fulfillment of the sacred, equitable, and joyous partnership of God, humanity and all creation. Coordinated by Chesapeake Covenant Community and the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. For the full text of the covenant, visit
Sat, June 26th, 11am to 12:15 pm - Hands Across the Sand
No to Offshore Oil Drilling! Yes to Clean Energy!
Go to the beach at 11 am for one hour, rain or shine.
Join hands for 15 minutes at 12:00 forming lines in the sand against oil drilling in our coastal waters.
Leave only your footprints.
Hands Across the Sand - Annapolis - 3:30 pm
City Dock
Hands Across the Sand - Deal Island
Deal Island Harbor Beach
Hands Across the Sand - Ocean City
Ocean City - Inlet Beach
Hands Across the Sand - DC
Guest speakers include:
- Alice Kennedy from the Baltimore Energy Challenge Group
- Adam Ortiz, Mayor of Edmonston Town- "Green Streets"
- David Brosch, founder of University Park Solar Coop
Mon, July 12 Noon to 1:30 pm, "Can you eat meat and be an environmentalist?" a talk by Nicollette Niman at 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, Room W2008 Sponsored by the Center for a Liveable Future at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, JHU
Tues, July 20, noon - Interfaith gathering for lament, hope, and action on behalf of Mother Earth at the Upper Senate Park on the Senate side of the United States Capitol in Washington DC- convened by Rabbi Waskow of the Shalom Center,
Friends of the Earth and MoveOn - During mid-July, the United States Senate will be struggling over whether to pass a climate/energy bill. We will join our voices to the grief voiced by the Earth in places like the Gulf Coast, West Virginia mountains, the Amazon forest, and the stricken fields of Central Africa, where drought has triggered starvation, civil war, and genocide. Yet even these are only precursors to the deadly scorching of our entire planet. We invite you to join in this interfaith affirmation––to pray not only with our voices but also with our arms and legs. (NOTE DATE CHANGE - previously event was for Sun 7/18 at 2pm)
This action is also called:
Take Action for Clean Energy Now - CONGRESS YOU HAVE OIL ON YOUR HANDSTuesday, July 20th is the 3-month anniversary of the start of the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, but Congress hasn't even voted on legislation to end our addiction to oil. In the meantime, Big Oil continues to hand out millions in campaign donations to Congress. In short, Congress has been caught with oil on their hands. Join us at high noon on July 20th in Upper Senate Park, Constitution and New Jersey Avenues, on Capitol Hill to demand:
-Dirty Energy Money Out of Politics!
-Pass Climate Legislation That Reduces Carbon and Promotes Clean Energy!
-Pass Climate Legislation That Reduces Carbon and Promotes Clean Energy!
Initiating groups: 1Sky,, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Climate Crisis Coalition, Code Pink, Corporate Ethics International, Energy Action Coalition, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Gulf Restoration Network, Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters/JPIC, Mobilization for Climate Justice West,, N.C. WARN, Oil Change International, Pax Christi USA, Price Carbon Campaign, Progressive Democrats of America, Public Citizen, Shalom Center
Possible Transition Town Training in MD/DC in August 2010
August 21-22 Heathcote, MD - (410) 343-DIRT
August 28-29 Washington DC -
Contact possible sites above for more info, costs and to tentatively request one of the limited training slots. Scholarships may be
August 28-29 Washington DC -
More on Transition - &
See Chesapeake Climate Action Network local calendar here.
Sun, October 10, 2010 - Global Work Parties - Find a local action here.
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