Peace & Justice Activism
Mon May 24, 12-2pm "The History of the Middle East from 1947 to the Present," with Ambassador Philip Wilcox, President, Foundation for Middle East Peace. At the Sixth and I Synagogue, 600 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20001 (Near Gallery Place Metro Stop.) Free admission. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Sponsored by the United Nations Association--National Capital Area, Foundation for Middle East Peace, Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Center, Peace Cafes and Sixth and I Historic Synagogue.
Mon-Wed June 7-9 2010 - Our Future Now Conference
Sun- Tues - June 13-15, 2010 - Churches for Middle East Peace Conference -
Sat June 19 10:30 to 1pm, Vote 2010 Community Forum at Howard County Central Library, 10373 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia Md 21044. Learn new voting procedures, which offices/positions are up for elections, who is running, key issues this year and more!
WAS Sat, June 19, 10:00AM-3:30PM - POSTPONED UNTIL FALL 2010 - Workshop on Starting a Common Security Club, The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd NW Washington, DC. A Common Security Club is a new way for group leaders and trainers to help communities help themselves in these troubled economic times. The curriculum links the the economic and environmental crises to the need for sustainability. Training on how to lead our 5-session curriculum designed to launch your Club. It's simple, participatory and truly rewarding. The Trainers: Chuck Collins and Andrée Zaleska from the Institute for Policy Studies. $20 covers materials and lunch. A sliding fee scale is available. Space is limited, so please register early. For Registration see: More Info:
Mon, June 21, Movie at Greenbelt Reel and Meal - Refusing to be Enemies:the Zeitouna Story This documentary profiles a self-formed group of twelve ordinary women - six Arabs and six Jews, calling themselves "Zeitouna," the Arab word for "olive tree." Optional Vegan Meal at 6:30 pm for $13, and movie at 7pm. at the New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt Md.
Wed June 23 & Sat June 26 - 2 events re: FILM - Budrus: Saving a Palestinian Village from the Separation Barrier through non-Violent Resistance. Budrus is a stunning documentary film about Palestinian villagers, under the leadership of Ayed Morrar and his fifteen-year-old daughter, Iltezam, who adopted the strategy of non-violent resistance, united all political factions along with Israelis and stopped construction of Israel's Separation Barrier that would have destroyed the villagers' lands, cemetery and livelihood. Their nonviolent effort has inspired villages across the West Bank and East Jerusalem to adopt similar methods. Ronit Avni, Julia Bacha and Ayed Morrar will speak and present clips from the film.
1. Wed June 23, 9-11 a - Clips from Budrus and a discussion led by Ronit Avni and Julia Bacha of Just Vision and Ayed Morrar, Community Organizer, Budrus, Palestine, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1779 Masschusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC. RSVP - or call 202-835-3650
2. Full Budrus film showing - at the Silverdocs Film Festival at the American Film Institute in Silver Spring - More info on-
Washington Peace Center -
Baltimore Activist Alert
Women in Black - Baltimore -
Women in Black - Frederick -
American Friends Service Committee Mid-Atlantic
Peace Action Montgomery County Md -
PG County Peace and Justice Coalition -
Anne Arundel County Peace Action
Nonviolent Communication Training (NVC) in the DC area
Maryland United for Peace and Just -
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