Fri 11/9 7 -9:30 pm - 25th Anniversary Celebration of Anne Arundel Peace ActionAnnapolis Friends Meeting,
351 Dubois Road, Annapolis, Md.
Ray McGovern, a retired CIA analyst who has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration’s foreign policy, will deliver the keynote talk, and there will be a presentation of Generation of Peacemakers Awards.
Monday, Nov. 12, 2007, 7:30 PM Howard County Coalition for Peace and Justice Owen Brown Interfaith CenterFri - Nov 16 THIRD FRIDAY of every month beginning Friday September 21st
Join with millions to:
Wear and distribute black ribbons and armbands
Buy no gas on Moratorium days
Pressure politicians and the media
Hold vigils, pickets, rallies, and teach-ins
Hold special religious services
Coordinate events in music, art, and culture
Host film showings, talks, and educational events
Organize student actions: Teach-ins, school closings, etc
November 18 (Sunday), 3 pm: Dramatic Performance: A Land Twice Promised.
The Meeting House, Oakland Mills Interfaith Cnt, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia,MD
Israeli-born acclaimed performance artist
Noa Baum began a heartfelt dialogue with a Palestinian woman while living in the United States. A Land Twice Promised weaves together their memories and the stories of their mothers to create a moving testimony illuminating the complex and contradictory history and emotions that surround Jerusalem for Israelis and
Palestinians alike. Adults $10, Teens $5 in advance; Adults $15, Teens $8 at the door. Information: 410-461-2040. See short excerpt on YouTube
here .Israel Peace Mission. Come with NSP/TIKKUN to Israel and Palestine
2008 - the last week in May and the first week in June. Details to come for those getting Tikkun email (if not, write and ask to be put on email list).
Washington Peace Center - in Black - Baltimore - in Black - Frederick - Friends Service Committee Mid-Atlantic - United for Peace and Justice -
www.mupj.orgPeace Action Montgomery County Md -