Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Network of Spiritual Progressives

See also the DC Spiritual Progressives Blog

And don't miss the American Friends Service Committee YouTube video on the cost of the war - less than 2 minutes and well worth your time.

Sat, Mar 29, 7:30pm NSP Party, Viewing of the Story of Stuff & Letting Go of Stuff
Stony Run Friends Meeting House, 5116 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210
All the stuff we buy, use, and throw away affects communities at home and abroad in ways that are hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It'll teach you something, it'll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in
your life forever.
**STUFF EXCHANGE: Bring STUFF in good condition (no clothes) to give away/trade*
Sponsored by Baltimore Network of Spiritual Progressives, Maryland and DC Networks of Spiritual Progressives, and the Baltimore Tikkun Community For more information, please see the flier here.

April 13 - Generosity Day at Paint Branch Unitarian Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland - Enrichment Hour Focused on Generosity Day 11:45 to 12:45 AM, Service at 10 AM - Participating in the international conversation about a Global Marshall Plan to eliminate crushing poverty abroad and at home and resolve the environmental crisis - a redirection of our tax money as we end the war, then we can celebrate paying taxes, and celebrate the spiritual principle of generosity!

Monday, April 21at 7:30 pm, NSP Meeting at Paint Branch Unitarian Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland Earth Day Week!
Music and Art to celebrate the planet! Climate Change Science and Solutions including Dr. Ross Salawitch who will just be back from a NASA expedition to the Artic on climate, CCAN representative on political action, and more!

Monday, May 19 at 7:30 pm, NSP Meeting at Paint Branch Unitarian Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland
TOPIC: Creating Sustainable Economies


PURCHASE MARYLAND PEACE ACTION LICENSE PLATES - $25. Email: and include your snail mail address to get a paper application form for a new Maryland Peace Action license plate and/or more info. The State requires a paper form be distributed by the sponsoring organization - No .pdf or other electronic files permitted.

Mon. March 31 8AM to 6pm - PEACE TAX FUND DAY - Here I Stand: Connecting Conscience, Taxes, and an Ethic of Liberty
at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation 212 East Capitol Street, NE. Washington DC. Supporting legislation to restore the rights of citizens whose conscience does not permit physical or financial participation in all war. 8:00-9:45 PM: Prayer breakfast with organizational leaders, songs and stories from citizens of conscience; 10:00 AM-Noon: Lobby training and lunch; Noon-4:00 PM: Visits to offices, 4:30-6:00 PM: Debriefing and "Celebration of Conscience" Congressional reception. Info here. Registration here.

Tues, April 1 - 4pm MEDIA RULES- How to leverage the new media world to spread ideas far, fast, and effectively! The National Press Club First Amendment Room, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor DC - 4PM Talk followed by reception. This is a presentation by author, Brian Reich, who will provide a framework for understanding the dynamic world of new media and how ideas and information travel in new patterns. We can learn from an expert in viral marketing and apply this in our mission to virally spread spiritual progressivism!

Wed., Apr. 2, 7pm Mobilization for Global Justice meeting at St. Stephens Church, 16th & Newton Sts., NW, WDC. Exit at the Columbia Heights Metro stop. The meeting takes place the first Wednesday of the month. A Washington, D.C. based group that works on issues of global economic and social justice and sustainability. "We believe another world is possible and necessary..." See: and here.

Fri, April 4 - 40th Anniversary of his Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.- Two Commemorative Events in Baltimore MD

11 AM to 4pm - March and Rally for Peace
Begins at Concord Baptist Church, 5204 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore , (march down Liberty Heights to Gwynn Falls 3.5 mi) and ends with free rally at Federick Douglass HS, 2301 Gwynns Falls Parkway(21217) Rally Speaker: Activist-Comedian Dick Gregory - see flyer here.

6- 7:30pm "40 Years In the Wilderness",
Service at Wayland Baptist Church, 3200 Garrison Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21216 - BRIDGE, AFSCME Maryland Council 67, Wayland Baptist CDC and other faith-based groups and unions are joining together to honor the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to continue his legacy. April 4th will be the 40th anniversary of his assassination while in Memphis working with sanitation workers who were forming an AFSCME local. This Commemorative Service will raise up his example of joining the power of unions and the people of faith. Testimonies and stories from historians, union leaders, and faith leaders will remind of his sacrifice and challenge us to continue the fight for justice. When people of faith and unions work together mighty things will happen. The proceeds from this event will be used to honor Dr. King by underwriting Get Out the Vote efforts for the upcoming 2008 Elections. See flyer here.

April 5 & 6, 9-5 Sat and 9-4 Sun, Transformation, Race & Healing Workshop This program is designed to lead people through a share experience that transforms relationships, families and organizations. Come and be introduced to Eight Stages of Healing with universal application. Learn how healing happens across race lines. Trainer: Milagros Phillips. Contact Dawn at 202-328-1102 to sign up. No cost for volunteers and unemployed persons. For others, a small donation will be requested but not required. Lunch will be provided both days. Location: Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd. N.W. DC

Tues., Apr. 8 at 8 PM 58] - Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize winner and former chief economist of the World Bank and critic of globalization, will speak on in the Glass Pavilion, John Hopkins Homewood Campus. Directions here and here.

Sat, April 12 and Sun, April 13 10 am - 6 pm New Organizing Institute FREE ROOTS CAMP for people playing a role in 08 Elections - citizen activists, precinct organizers, volunteers, leaders of progressive organizations, or campaign and legislative professionals. Attend one of the most exciting, inspiring and, yes, productive "un-conferences" out there. A place to hear all about innovations in organizing, tech, and media happening at all levels of a campaign. A place for progressives to share innovations, failures, old wisdom and new discoveries, and then hit the road running towards November, and beyond! Space Limited.
At the National Education Association, 1201 16th Street NW Washington DC 20036. Registration here.

April 13,2008 2pm - Breakthrough: The Women, Faith and Development Summit to End Global Poverty - Empowering Women and Ending Poverty - Making the Case for Investing in Women and Girls - Washington National Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Wash DC 20016
Attend Breakthrough with your family, colleagues, friends, club, or members of your faith community! Come to the first high-level event bringing together the women, faith, and international development communities-as well as policymakers and other global leaders-and help launch the Women, Faith, and Development Alliance's (wfda) global campaign to make investing in women and girls a priority in the fight against global poverty. On Sunday, April 13, join the breakthrough co-chairs as they issue a call to action to assembled guests and all global citizens, urging them to join the campaign and get actively involved. Hear commitments for women and girls from key public figures. Participate in interfaith prayer, listen to live music, and visit the International Crafts Bazaar to see Fair Trade and women-made products from around the world. Don't miss this historic opportunity to empower women and end poverty!
Flyer here. Free registration here. Or watch webcast from your computer from the National Cathedral online webcast beginning with their Sunday Forum on Breakthrough at 10 Am 4/13 - link here. Longer broshure here. Resources here.

Sun, April 13th at 2-4 pm Give Peace A Chance Campaign workshop and prayer service Shalom and salaam. Sharing Jerusalem USA and other partner organizations are co-sponsors of an exciting new campaign — called Give Peace a Chance. You are invited to participate in an interfaith prayer service and workshop featuring Warren Clark, Executive Director, Churches for Middle East Peace, on Sunday, April 13th at 2 PM at St John's Episcopal Church of Georgetown (3240 O St. N.W. – free parking across the street at the Hyde School). The purpose of the initial workshop will be to discuss the Campaign and how to best implement and coordinate it throughout the Baltimore - Washington metro area. For further information please contact Sharing Jerusalem's Facilitator, Rev. Monroe Wright at - Flyer here.

Fri Apr 18 8pm Susan Werner is at Cellar Stage/Uptown Concerts in Baltimore Faith Community United Methodist Church of Hamilton, 5315 Harford Road * Balt, MD 21214 Check out singer songwriter Susan Werner whose new CD is "The Gospel Truth" was inspired by her reading of Rabbi Lerner's "The Left Hand of God". Many NSP members are quite excited by her work! See her on here and search on her name for other videos.

April 20-22 - Calming the Storm: Middle East Peacemaking in a Turbulent Time - Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) 2008 Advocacy Conference. At the Kellogg Hotel at Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Ave, NE, Washington DC. Info here.

Sat, April 28 8-5, Maryland United for Peace and Justice Conference Stony Run Friends Meeting House, 5116 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218
23rd Annual Peace and Justice Conference. Entitled "Intergenerational Peace and Justice: Saving the Earth for Future Generations". Keynote speaker - Colman McCarthy and great workshops. Broshure here.

Sun, May 11, 2008, 12:30 pm - The Promise of Peace in the Promised Land - program with Alice Rothchild, M.D. At the Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church, 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 The author of "Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: The Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience" speaks in public to ask important questions of both Jewish and non-Jewish audiences: "How is Israel both to exist and also to proclaim its moral vision?" Sponsored by The Social Justice Council of Cedar Lane in partnership with the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace All peacemakers are welcome; registration is not required unless you wish to eat a light lunch. Contact: Michael Benefiel (301) 929-5252 or - Flyer here.

May 17-18 Greater Washington Allies in Reconciliation ( GWAIR) Regional Conference: “Faith into Action: BUILDING TRUSTWORTHY PARTNERSHIPS for Racial Justice” at Plymouth UCC, SE DC, endorsed by the Interfaith Conference and cosponsored by Council of Churches of Greater Washington, Lutheran Volunteer Corps, Pax Christi, Muslim American Society, Episcopal Diocese National Capital Presbytery Antiracism Taskforce, UCC Potomac Association Social Action Committee, United Methodist Balt.-Wash. Conference Commission on Race and Religion and many others . Info: 301/588-4877 Directions

NSP supports the Global Marshall Plan (GMP) - H. RES. 1078 , Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a Global Marshall Plan holds the potential to demonstrate the commitment of the United States to peace and prosperity, introduced into the House of Representatives on April 3, 2008 by
Representatives Ellison of Minnesota, Moran of Virginia and Cleaver of Missouri
See full text at:

See these websites on the GMP and the Consultation for the Global Commons: NSP on the GMP,,
And see the new video on the GMPplan to send poverty on YouTube posted by David Hart -

Washington Peace Center -
Women in Black - Baltimore -
Women in Black - Frederick -
American Friends Service Committee Mid-Atlantic -
Peace Action Montgomery County Md -
Nonviolent Communication Training (NVC) in the DC area -

Climate Change Action - March/April 08

Support the Global Warming Solutions Act in Maryland
Contact MD legislators now - their info here
Support SB 309 with NO amendments
MDLCV info, CCAN info, Alliance for Global Warming Solutions

Where: MD Presbyterian Church, 1105 Providence Road, Towson. Directions.
TOPIC:: Supporting Local, Organic, and Sustainable Food Sources;
25 minute film: “The Organic Opportunity: Small Farms and Economic Development” tells the story of the first county in the U.S. to promote local organic agriculture as economic development. In 2005, Woodbury County, Iowa, started offering tax rebates to farmers who transitioned to organic agriculture. In 2006, the county became the first in the nation to mandate the purchase of locally grown organic food by county institutions. Produced by The Center for Economic Security. Speakers: Brett Bixler, local roaster of fair trade sustainable coffee, and Renee Brooks Catacalos, publisher and editor of the quarterly magazine Edible Chesapeake: Celebrating the Abundance of Local Food. Discussion to follow.

April 11-24 EcoRes Forum Online E-Conference - Register & log-on from your own home computer to a online conference of academics and activists, scientists and social critics, researchers, journalists, and concerned citizens from around the world. This online forum examines the roots of environmental & climate injustice and searches solutions. International panel bios here. Discussions are led through a progressive framework of questions and focus points by the moderating team. Subject timelines are provided, and discussion archives are maintained for participant reference. FREE.

Sat, April 12 9am-5:30pm - Living in the Time of the Great Turning
This event in Arlington VA. combines the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium with additional material, exercises and guided meditations from the work of Joanna Macy, an activist and pioneer in the deep ecology movement. This workshop gives us the opportunity to look at our anger, despair, or overwhelm so that we can free up our full energy to be part of the solution. Our natural joy at being alive is reawakened and our hearts feel stronger to face the challenges and opportunities that lie before us. Info here.

Sun, April 13, 6:30 pm SMEI Sunday Sunday Forum
"Food for Life"

April 16: 7:30 pm LesterR. Brown , "Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization"
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, 310 Tulip Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912

Tues, April 22 - EARTH DAY
Find events at

Tues, April 22, 7pm - Earth Day Rally Extraordinaire
Attend this benefit for CCAN the evening of April 22nd with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners. Hear these two prominent national progressive leaders speak about the climate emergency and the movement to address it. Also speaking will be Betsy Taylor, founder of the 1Sky campaign, and Ted Glick and Mike Tidwell. The event will be held at GW Lisner Auditorium beginning at 7 pm. For tickets - $15, $10 for students, click here.
Directions to Lisner Aud, 21st & H Sts, NW, DC here.

Sun April 27, 4:30 to 6:30 pm Addressing Climate Change through Lifestyle, Technology & Advocacy at the Local & Personal Level at the Baltimore Green Forum,
MD Presbyterian Church, 1105 Providence Road,Towson, 21286
David O'Leary, Smart Energy Solutions Chair, and Cool Cities Campaign Chair for The Sierra Club MD, and a leading authority in this area, will discuss how local governments are beginning to address climate change in Baltimore County, Baltimore City and elsewhere, and how citizens impact this process. Beth Strommen, manager of Baltimore City's new Office of Sustainability, will summarize the new sustainability program and legislation, and how public policy interacts with action by businesses and individuals.. To co-sponsor or ask questions, contact Diane at 410-965-7740 or

April 28 to May 2, 2008 - Baltimore Green Week

Thurs, May 1, 3 pm to 6 pm Showcase of organizations providing job training and careers in the green economy, part of Baltimore Green Week Futures for the Sustainable Workforce, Morgan State University. Showcase of organizations providing job training and careers in the green economy. Hosted by Civic Works, Parks and People, and Morgan State University’s Career Development Center. FREE and open to the general public and students from Morgan State. Information at

Thurs, May 1, 6:30pm to 8:00pm - Van Jones at Morgan State University FREE
Hear one of today’s leading voices in helping to create jobs for low income and inner city communities through the Green Industrial Revolution. Van Jones is the founder and president of the Green for All Foundation, which focuses on environmental justice and jobs, and his new Green For All campaign. Hosted by Marc Steiner!
At Morgan State University, 5200 Perring Parkway, Baltimore, Md in the Main Aud. Rm 241, Schaeffer Bldg, Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Sch of Engineering. Flyer here.

Tues, May 20, 7:30 pm One Sky: Creating Our Green Future Together
Majora Carter, K.C. Golden and Betsy Taylor with host Eugene Sutton
Washington National Cathedral - directions here Info and registration here.
Come hear Majora Carter, Sustainable South Bronx founder and MacArthur genius grant recipient's powerful vision of "green for all" along with the visionary voices and pragmatic activism of K.C. Golden, a Seattle-based climate policy expert, and Betsy Taylor, chair of the 1-Sky Campaign, hosted by the Cathedral's canon pastor the Rev. Eugene Sutton. Proceeds will benefit Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light and the GreenCathedral initiatives.

See the amazing short video - "The Story of Stuff" at
This fast-paced 20 min video shows how the "materials economy" is killing the climate and what we can do to change. The story of stuff is about finding new values that support life on this planet! Watch online, download and/or order CD. And share the message!


The Alliance for Global Warming in Maryland -
See list of partners here. NSP Maryland has signed up and should be reflected soon.

Chesapeake Climate Action Network site -see this site for cutting edge local climate activism and climate activism news at

Local Climate Action/Climate Change groups:
Baltimore -
Greenbelt -
Howard County -

Simplicity Matters Earth Institute (SMEI) calendar is here . SMEI offers discussion and action circles in the MD from Balti to Frederick to Annapolis and DC on voluntary simplicity, globalization, etc, and a new popular 4 week discussion circle on global warming. Info at: . Also Bethesda and Baltimore Sunday night Forums

Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light - has many great climate change resources and a local calendar here

EVERY TUES - Radio and TV on Climate Change
10 to 11 AM - Earthbeat with Mike Tidewell & Daphne Wisham WFMW 89.3 FM DC - listen online at
9pm ON TV - "The Green" on Sundance - Info: