The Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland
Tues, Dec 16 at 7:30 pm- NSP Mgt - Discussion Topic: What Do We think of The Anti-Consumerism Movement? At: Paint Branch Unitarian Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783
What do we think when we hear activists say "Buy Less, Give More"? How does this fit with NSP's new bottom line of compassion, generosity and care of the earth as opposed to the old bottom line of money and materialism. We'll explore the work of Rev Billy Talent and his fictional "Church of Stop Shopping". They provide performance art done as comedy and satire but with a gravely serious message in this year of economic down turn, and distress in so many families who are in deep debt and losing homes partially due to greed and consumerism. What do we think of the connections these activists draw and how does this impact our holiday decisions? We'll see segments about a documentary on the Stop Shopping movement called "What Would Jesus (or Buddha or Krishna, or Moses etc) Buy" and have a lively discussion. (For a preview see YouTubes here and here and here). Join our holiday spiritual refocusing! More information: Optional preparation for the discussion - read the General and Christian resource/disscussion guides here and here.
Next NSP meeting - Wed. January 14th - same time and place.
Dec. 15: Israel/Palestine: Tom Friedman's Myths - Jerome Slater
Dec. 22: Is Christmas Christian? - Richard Rohr
Jan 5: An Economy for the 21st Century - David Korten
Jan. 12: Coming Out... Again - Idit Klein
Jan 26th: Engaging Obama's Volunteers - Randy Shaw
AND More to come— and download PODCASTS OF PREVIOUS MONDAYS:
Dec. 1: Childhood & Capitalism - Allen Kanner (click to download WAV file)
Dec. 8: Obama's Emotional Intelligence - Peter Dunlap (click to download WAV file)
Last Month's Meeting: Mon Nov 24, 2008, 7:30 pm, NSP Meeting at Paint Branch Unitarian Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783
Our NSP chapter will have a discussion on the current economic meltdown, and explore the causes, and the winners and losers in the current crisis. We'll discuss how we and those we know are affected, and how to respond as spiritual progressives. A short video and a summary of some articles will guide our discussion. This is not a time for progressives to retreat. How are we responding? In difficult choices in the days ahead, what are the choices that help reflect our values and our care for the vulnerable in our neighborhoods? Globally, we will continue our discussion of how this impacts our Global Marshall Plan advocacy. Join us!
Optional background for our discussion:
"Obamanomics: How Bottom-Up Economic Prosperity Will Replace Trickle-Down Economics" by John R. Talbott
and an NPR: This American Life radio segment
Also two events where NSP Co-Founders are in DC:
Fri, Nov 21 - Dr. Cornel West will discuss his new book Hope on a Tightrope: Words and Wisdom, a collection of quotations, speech excerpts, letters, philosophy, and photographs. This gift book features an original CD that highlights Dr. West's outstanding spoken-word artistry. At Busboys and Poets Bookstore, 14th and V Streets NW Washington DC.
Mon, Jan 19 5:30 pm Rebirthing King, Rebirthing America - Celebratory service and teaching. Scheduled to speak:
Vincent Harding of Iliffe School of Theology, one of Dr. King's closest advisers;
Rev. Michael Kinnamon, general secretary of the National Council of Churches;
Dr. Sayyid Syeed, general secretary of the Islamic Society of North America;
Sammie Moshenberg of the National Council of Jewish Women;
Rabbi Michael Lerner of the Network of Spiritual Progressives;
Celeste Zappala of Gold Star Families for Peace;
Mubarak Awad of Nonviolence International;
Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, of the Chautauqua Institution; and
Rev. William G. Sinkford of the Unitarian Universalist Assoc.
Sponsored by the Olive Branch Interfaith Peace Partnership
For preparation see Dr. King's speech at Riverside Church at
LOCATION: All Souls'Unitarian Church, 2835 16th st NW at Columbia Rd