Friday, February 01, 2008

Network of Spiritual Progressives Meetings Balt DC & Adelphi Feb-Mar 08

The Network of Spiritual Progressives

See the American Friends Service Committee YouTube video on the cost of the war - less than 2 minutes and well worth your time.

Sat, Feb 9 at 10 AM NSP Baltimore meets in a private home - for info email Jerry R. for info. jraitzyk at hotmail . com

Sun, Feb 24 at 2:00 PM. - Creating a new vibrant DC NSP Chapter
United Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington DC (Capitol Hill).
We seek to create a local base where our deeply held values are expressed through creative action. We will work together in the spirit of generosity to demonstrate the revolutionary power of love. Info:
david (at) spiritualprogressives (dot) org

Mon Feb 25 at 7:30 pm - NSP in Montgomery/PG/HC
"A Vision Bold Enough to Save the World!" - David Hart, new NSP Director of Advocacy and Outreach, will present on the NSP vision, and the Global Marshall Plan
Paint Branch Unitarian Church,
3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland
David will outline the NSP vision and advocacy for a Global Marshall Plan. The best way to get out of Iraq and empower the progressive forces all over the world is to adopt a Strategy of Generosity. This will bring us so much more security at home then the current strategy of world domination which just builds more and more resistance. We seek to have the advanced industrial countries of the world use their resources to eliminate once and for all global poverty, homelessness, and hunger; provide quality education and health care for all; and repair the global environment. As an initial commitment, we want the U.S. to donate at least 1-2% of its Gross Domestic Product each year for the next twenty years.

Sat, Mar 1, 10 AM - Baltimore NSP meeting in a private home. For location and info. contact Jerry R. at jraitzyk (at) hotmail (dot) com

Sat, Mar 29 7:30pm-NSP Social & Conscious-Raising on Consumption
We'll meet and greet, introduce who we are, and show the Story of Stuff.
Join us at Stony Run Friends, 5116 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21210

Looking Forward - Save these Dates!!

Olive Branch Interfaith Peace Witness in DC
NSP Workshops on the Global Marshall Plan Thurs 3/6 and Fri AM 3/7

Generosity Weekend - April 11-13, 2008

NSP Workshop at the Maryland United for Peace and Justice Conference Sat April 24 in in Stony Run Friends in Baltimore

National NSP Training being planned for Chevy Chase area May 23-25, 2008 (Memorial Day weekend)


Sat, Feb 2, 7:30 pm Hootenanny for Peace in Columbia MD
Benefit sponsored by Maryland Chapter Grandmothers for Peace
Celebrate peace, and network with likeminded others while groovin to the Columbia Psychedelic Hoot Band. Dress may include: Tie- Dyes, Love Beads, Headbands, '60s Clothes, etc.
Owen Brown Interfaith Center, 7246 Cradlerock Way, Columbia (behind McDonalds and Sunoco) Directions here. See flyer here.

Tues Feb 12 - Maryland Presidential Primary Day! VOTE!

Thurs, Feb. 14, 7pm, BLOOD AND TEARS, a well-balanced primer on the Arab-Israeli conflict which goes from the roots of Zionism to the electoral victory of Hamas. One in a 2nd Thurs. film series Middle East Peace Film Series ending March13. At the Mission Helpers, 1001 W. Joppa Rd. (at Chestnut Ave.), Towson. Admission is free. Sponsored by the Baltimore Tikkun Community is a multi-faith organization devoted to a just durable peace in the Middle East and other social justice issues

Fri, Feb 15 - A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict
At the Owen Brown Interfaith Center, Columbia Md - Directions here.
Part 2 of highly rated film. (Part 1 was shown in Jan) -This film explores one of the 20th century's most important but least understood stories -- how nonviolent power has overcome oppression and authoritarian rule all over the world. Narrated by Ben Kingsley, and nominated for an Emmy, it premiered on PBS in September 2000.

Fri, Mar 7, 9-11 AM - Interfaith Mini-Conference on U.S.-Sponsored Torture
Church of the Reformation, 212 E Capitol St Ne, Wash, DC 20003 - Info here. This is one of many workshop and options Thurs night and Fri morning preceding the National Interfaith Peace Witness at noon.

Fri March 7, 2008 noon to 5 pm -
National Olive Branch Interfaith Peace Witness in DC . See here and here and
On Friday March 7 join folks of all spiritual traditions, including those who are spiritual but not religious, for a large Interfaith Peace Witness and optional direct action for peace. People from all over the country, and from many spiritual paths will convene at noon in various places for a variety of spiritual services, and after that walk/subway to the upper Senate Park for a large Interfaith Peace Celebration at 2:30 pm There are also workshops on peacemaking Thurs night and Fri AM, a peace coffeehouse Sat night and lobbying for peace on Monday, March 10.

Fri Mar 7 7pm and Sat Mar 8 9-5, Deep Shift with Brian McLaren
Vienna Presbyterian Church, 124 Park Street, NE Vienna, VA 22180
The "Everything Must Change" Tour, a Christian response to the premise that the world’s in deep trouble and that sincere people of faith need to find some way to make a constructive, creative difference. Learn about the suicide machine: crises in prosperity, equity, security and spirituality and about the revolution of hope. Brian McLaren is an and a regular blogger on the Sojourners (Jim Wallis) website, See the Deep Shift website at Online registration & payment link is here. Co-sponsored by the Sierra Club and Sojourners.

Thurs, Mar13, 7pm, Searching for Peace in the Middle East
Film at the Mission Helpers, 1001 W. Joppa Rd. (at Chestnut Ave.), Towson. Admission is free.
Sponsored by the Foundation for Middle East Peace, this film is a vivid, compassionate portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Through the voices of Israeli and Palestinian citizens of diverse backgrounds, it reveals their hopes and fears and explores the issues that divide them. It also describes in a compelling way a broad common ground of yearning for peace, pointing the way toward a resolution of this tragic conflict that would meet the deepest needs of both societies.
Sponsored by the Baltimore Tikkun Community is a multi-faith organization devoted to a just durable peace in the Middle East and other social justice issues

Wed, March 16 - 5th Anniversary of the War UFPJ action in DC
United for Peace and Justice also supports the Iraq Veterans Against the War and its Winter Soldier activities in Washington, DC, on March 13th-16th. Re: Wed March 16, UFPJ will participate in the planning and organizing for what we hope will be the largest nonviolent civil disobedience action yet against the war in Iraq. See info here and check back to the UFPJ home page

NSP supports the Global Marshall Plan -
see new video on this plan to send poverty on YouTube posted by David Hart -
And support this video in the DAVOS contest on YouTube.
You should see a box with three tabs “Home” “Submit” and “View / Vote”
Click on “View / Vote”
Enter “NSPdavid” in the search box, click “Go”
Select the video by clicking on it just below the search box
Watch the video
Give it a thumbs up

Check out singer songwriter Susan Werner whose new CD is "The Gospel Truth" was inspired by her reading of Rabbi Lerner's "The Left Hand of God". Many NSP members are quite excited by her work! See her on here and search on her name for other videos.
Sat Jan 25 7:30 pm Susan Werner appears with John Gorka at the Birchmere in Alexandria VA
Fri Apr 18 8pm Susan Werner is at Cellar Stage/Uptown Concerts in Baltimore

Washington Peace Center -
Women in Black - Baltimore -
Women in Black - Frederick -
American Friends Service Committee Mid-Atlantic -
Peace Action Montgomery County Md -
Nonviolent Communication Training (NVC) in the DC area -

Climate Change Action - Feb 08 and On


Sun, Feb 10, 6:30-8:30 PM. 2nd Sun Green Forum in Bethesda
The Great Turning presentation and discussion led by Janet Kane, writer and environmental activist - flier here. What would a Life-Sustaining society look like? What tools do we need to successfully achieve this transformation? Some of the answers are already springing up around us, such as the Locavore and slow food movements, the expansion of green building research, and worldwide efforts to reverse global warming. Join us for an exciting look at the ongoing revolution first identified by authors Joanna Macy and David Korten. More info on websites: & &
Where: in a private home in Bethesda, within walking distance of the Medical Center metro (Red Line), close to I-495 and Wisconsin Avenue. To RSVP (required): Call Marney at (301) 652-0492 or e-mail

Fri, Feb 8, NOON - Global Warming: the moral choices we make - or don't make - every day - Mike Tidwell speaks at the Peace and Justice Forums, 3rd in a series on Environmental Justice at The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1313 New York Ave , 20005 in the Radcliff Room. Mr. Tidwell is founder and director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and an author and filmmaker. Mr.Tidwell will discuss with Forum participants the special ethical responsibility people of faith have in the fight against global warming. ”Greening” our homes and churches with energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs is great, but we must also be advocates of ethical-based public policy concerning global warming and clean energy.

Mon Feb 18 - Noon - 7 pm- The MD Environmental Action Day - Getting the Global Warming Solutions Act passed is the top priority. In Annapolis (free) at the Conference Center in the Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen St. Annapolis Maryland 21401
The event will include a briefing on the hot environmental issues, information from top state officials, fast pace training, helpful lobbying tips, and an opportunity to meet your legislators and have your voice heard.
Register for the rally here. If you're interested in being a lobby captain, and taking the lead on setting up meetings for your legislative district (or another one near you), please contact Holly Gorman at Info here, here and here.

Mon Feb 18 - Visit/contact your Congressperson about Global Warming Solutions.
February 2009 will be a critical month in human history. The new President and Congress will be setting their agenda—and that agenda will determine if the climate can stabilize at a heating of 3-4 degrees F, or instead 5-10 degrees F. See:

Sun Feb 24, 4:30 - 6:30 pm Baltimore Green Forum, ‘Maryland’s Efforts to Address Climate Change: Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going" with Brad Heavner & Shelley Morhaim, MD Presbyterian Church, 1105 Providence Road, Towson, 21286
Brad Heavner is the state’s leading, and likely most eloquent authority on climate change, energy policy and environmentalism. He helped lead the MD Healthy Air Coalition, Clean Cars legislation, & reform of the state’s power industry. Shelley Morhaim is an attorney, environmental advocate and produced the award-winning film: "The Next Industrial Revolution." We will discuss how Maryland may be poised to adopt the strongest state-level climate policy in the nation, a practical and positive view of how a sustainable economy will work using real life examples including the use of high-performance design and construction (Green Building).

Friday, March 21 at 7:00 - What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire
Part of a film series at Owen Brown Interfaith Center in Columbia Md. Directions here. For info call Wolfger at 410-740- 1201. This film addresses all the ills created by humans’ greedy demands on a limited earth. It has a lot of history and commentary from experts and tries to make the case that we need a new lifestyle and economic paradigm. Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia.

Tues, March 25 at 4 p.m. "Climate Change and Energy Policy" talk by Chris Flavin, President of The Worldwatch Institute,
UMBC, Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery

Tues, May 20, 7:30 pm One Sky: Creating Our Green Future Together
Majora Carter, K.C. Golden and Betsy Taylor wth host Eugene Sutton
Washington National Cathedral - directions here Info and registration here.
Come hear Majora Carter, Sustainable South Bronx founder and MacArthur genius grant recipient's powerful vision of "green for all" along with the visionary voices and pragmatic activism of K.C. Golden, a Seattle-based climate policy expert, and Betsy Taylor, chair of the 1 Sky Campaign, hosted by the Cathedral's canon pastor the Rev. Eugene Sutton. Proceeds will benefit Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light and the GreenCathedral initiatives.

See the amazing short video - "The Story of Stuff" at
This fast-paced 20 min video shows how the "materials economy" is killing the climate and what we can do to change. The story of stuff is about finding new values that support life on this planet! Watch online, download and/or order CD. And share the message!


The Alliance for Global Warming in Maryland -
See list of partners here. NSP Maryland has signed up and should be reflected soon.

Chesapeake Climate Action Network site -see this site for cutting edge local climate activism and climate activism news at

Local Climate Action/Climate Change groups:
Baltimore -
Greenbelt -
Howard County -

Simplicity Matters Earth Institute (SMEI) calendar is here . SMEI offers discussion and action circles in the MD from Balti to Frederick to Annapolis and DC on voluntary simplicity, globalization, etc, and a new popular 4 week discussion circle on global warming. Info at: . Also Bethesda and Baltimore Sunday night Forums

Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light - has many great climate change resources and a local calendar here

EVERY TUES - Radio and TV on Climate Change
10 to 11 AM - Earthbeat with Mike Tidewell & Daphne Wisham WFMW 89.3 FM DC - listen online at
9pm ON TV - "The Green" on Sundance - Info: