Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland

Wed, May 13, "Agenda for a New Economy" 7:30 pm - in Adelphi MD. Part II of program on David Korten's, author of "the Great Turning". David Korten wrote an article for TIKKUN magazine, "AN ECONOMY FOR THE 21st CENTURY", available at His new book is "Agenda for a New Economy - From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth". We'll continue discussing Korten's vision which is locally based, community oriented and devoted to a better life for all, and watch parts of a online video of a talk he gave. At Paint Branch UU Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783 sponsored by the Network of Spiritual Progressives in MD

Mon Apr 13, 7:30 pm, NSP Meeting - "Agenda for a New Economy" Video and Discussion - David Korten's article for TIKKUN's Nov/Dec08 issue "AN ECONOMY FOR THE 21st CENTURY, A Proposal for the Obama Administration" quickly became a book "Agenda for a New Economy - From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth". Read the article here. We'll show a video of David Korten discussing his book on 1/23/09 (viewable online here) . The "New Economy" Korten envisions is locally based, community oriented and devoted to a better life for all, not simply increasing profits of the rich. We'll have a guided discussion on economic myths and new realities focusing on our varied and personal responses as progressives, as spiritual and ethical beings, as family members etc living in the midst of uncertainly. David's prior 2 books the now classics for sustainable economics: The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community - 2006, and When Corporations Rule the World - 2001. More at:,
At Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783

Mon, Mar 16 at 7:30 pm NSP Meeting at Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783

NSP Maryland Co-sponsors:

New Freedom Seder for the Earth

Sun March 29, 5pm - An Interfaith Seder focusing on the most profound issue facing the world today - the danger of climate catastrophe --- "global scorching". Jointly led by multireligious/multicultural leaders, artists and activists. Location: Shiloh Baptist Church1500 9th Street, NW Washington, DC Remembering the 40th anniversary of the original Freedom Seder, written by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, which wove together Black, Jewish, and other liberation struggles Co-sponsors include: Adat Shalom, Am Kolel, DC Green Muslims, Fabregan, Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light, National Coalition Building Institute, Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland, Operation Understanding DC, Pax Christi USA, Shiloh Baptist Church, The Shalom Center, Shirat HaNefesh, Shomrei Adamah of Greater Washington. Info/co-sponsorship/volunteer for setup/cleanup - email Rain Zohav at or 301 294 8849. Reservations/online payment/contribution for meal requested by 3/19 at The Shalom Center website - - registration link here. Press Release here.

Sat, April 4, 2009 9-4pm
Church of the Resurrection, 3315 Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD 20866
Broshure/Registration here.

The Network of Spiritual Progressives
is a Christian Peace Witness for Iraq Partner Broshure here.
April 29, 2009 12:30 to 5:30 pm National City Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW Wash DC - Opening and Workshops on Nonviolence
April 29, 2009 7pm Worship at National City Church, 5 Thomas Circle NW Wash DC and Candlelight Procession to the White House
April 30, Join Witness Against Torture 100th Day Action

We are glad for a good prognosis for healing, and envision his committing to rest and the very best of self-care in order to continue his inspiring leadership for a more compassionate and generous world for many many many years to come.
Planned DC NSP conference for April 28 to May 2, 20009 has been postponed.

NSP Author Conference Calls and archive of past calls - Info here.
  • Mon, 3/9/09 Cherie Brown of the Natl Coalition Building Institute., Seven Principles about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  • Mon, 3/23/09: Thad Williamson, Re-Thinking American Capitalism
  • Mon, 3/30/09: Glen Stassen, The Ten Commandments
More on Area Peace and Justice events here.

More on Area Climate Change Action here.

Peace/ Justice Activism, Winter/Spring 2009

Thurs, Mar 19 - 6th Anniversary of Iraq War -
United for Peace and Justice call for action here.

Sun, Mar 22 from 3-5:30 pm Activists or Terrorists? The case of police spying in Maryland - Panel on The Maryland "Freedom of Association and Assembly Protection Act of 2009" (Senate Bill 256/House Bill 182) includes an ACLU Representative, Sue Udry director of the Defending Dissent Foundation, and 3 activists Nadine Bloch, Pat Elder, and Bette Hoover from the 53 local activists who were mistakenly entered into a database as being “suspected of involvement in terrorism”. The ACLU of Maryland exposed the Maryland State Police for spying on peaceful activists, infiltrating their meetings, compiling dossiers on them, and falsely labeling them in a criminal intelligence database as suspected terrorists. Legislation at both the state and federal level to ban such political spying and protect our first amendment rights is in the works. Discussion and refreshment to follow presentation. Sponsored by Howard County Coalition for Peace & Justice. LOCATION: Howard County Central Library, 10375 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, MD

Fri, Mar 27:, 7:30 pm Film, "Encounter Point". Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land encounter each other as individuals, with intriguing results. And snacks throughout the evening! Film produced by Ronit Avni, Joline Makhlouf, and Nahanni Rous, and filmed on location in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. No admission fee. Sponsored by The Palestine-Israel Peace Project (PIPP) of Montgomery County, Maryland. Location: Crusader Lutheran Church, 1605 Veirs Mill Road, Rockville, Maryland, in the Fellowship Hall. Directions: Go north on Veirs Mill Road, away from Wheaton. Cross through the intersection of Veirs Mill with Twinbrook Parkway. At the second light, which is the intersection with Broadwood Drive, turn left. Then take the second of two immediate lefts into the back parking lot of the church. Enter the Fellowship Hall through the door in the back. (note: Crusader Lutheran Church graciously allows the Palestine-Israel Peace Project (PIPP) to use its space for monthly events. PIPP, however, is not a committee or a ministry of the Church.)

Sun, March 29 1:00 p.m. DVD "Life in Occupied Palestine" – by Anna Baltzer, a Jewish American peace worker who spent eight months in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories documenting human rights abuses and supporting nonviolent direct action in the West Bank with the International Women's Peace Service. She has been touring the United States ever since, giving an incredible talk that clearly explains what is going on in that part of the world and why. This DVD presentation contains Anna Baltzer's superb and well documented talk – and also includes photos, charts, facts, commentary and ideas for action. Sponsored by: Howard County Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, LOCATION: Howard County Central Library, 10375 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, MD

Sat, April 4, 2009 9-4pm - Annual
Maryland United for Peace and Justice Conference - Church of the Resurrection., 3315 Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD 20866

April 26-29, 2009 Sojourners Mobilization to End Poverty. Washington Convention Center, 8801 Mt Vernon Place NW, Washington DC 20001

April 29-30, 2009 - Christian Peace Witness for Iraq , Washington DC event

Washington Peace Center -
Baltimore Activist Alert -
Women in Black - Baltimore -
Women in Black - Frederick -
American Friends Service Committee Mid-Atlantic -
Peace Action Montgomery County Md -
PG County Peace and Justice Coalition -
Anne Arundel County Peace Action -
Nonviolent Communication Training (NVC) in the DC area -

Climate Change Action, Winter/Spring 2009

Wed, Mar 18, 2009 6:45-8:45pm - Climate Change, Movement Building and You Attend this forum, as we talk about where the climate crisis came from, what solutions are currently on the table, and what action needs to be taken. Led by Janet Redman a researcher for the Sustainable Energy and Economy Network at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, where she provides analysis of the international financial institutions\ energy investment and carbon finance activities. - FREE class at 1112 Sixteenth Street, NW, Wash DC Suite 600

Tues Mar 24-May 5, 2009, 7--8:30 p.m. - One Earth, One Future: Our Changing Global Environment - Odyssey Class - Coordinator: Cindy Parker MD, MPH, is a board-certified Preventive Medicine physician who specializes in the health impacts of global climate change and global environmental change. She is Co-Director of the Program on Global Sustainability and Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She has just released her first book Climate Chaos: Your Health at Risk with coauthor Steven Shapiro. Homewood campus in Baltimore - FEE - info

Mar 28, 2009 8:30 pm - Earth Hour - Turn off lights for one hour Turn Out. Take Action.

Sun March 29, 5pm - An Interfaith Seder focusing on the most profound issue facing the world today - the danger of climate catastrophe --- "global scorching". Jointly led by multireligious/multicultural leaders, artists and activists. Location: Shiloh Baptist Church1500 9th Street, NW Washington, DC Remembering the 40th anniversary of the original Freedom Seder, written by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, which wove together Black, Jewish, and other liberation struggles Co-sponsors include: Adat Shalom, Am Kolel, DC Green Muslims, Fabregan, Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light, National Coalition Building Institute, Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland, Operation Understanding DC, Pax Christi USA, Shiloh Baptist Church, The Shalom Center, Shirat HaNefesh, Shomrei Adamah of Greater Washington. Info/co-sponsorship/volunteer for setup/cleanup - email Rain Zohav at or 301 294 8849. Reservations/online payment/contribution for meal requested by 3/19 at The Shalom Center website - - registration link here.

Sat Apr 4, 10-4 Howard County Green Fest "Energy and Water Conservation" at Howard Community College's main campus at 10901 Little Patuxent Parkway • Columbia, Maryland 21044, in the Burrill Galleria

Tues, April 14th, 6:15 - 7:45 PM 'The Baltimore Green Jobs Movement', Public Presentation & BCAN Meeting ( Jerry Raitzyk, leading green jobs & environmental justice advocate, Board Member of the Entrepreneurial Training
University in Baltimore (hub of the local Green Job movement), describes a surge of new enthusiasm, projects, & funding. Jerry is also active with the Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland. Then a brief open meeting of All welcome. Refreshments. Free. At the Central (main) branch of the Pratt Library, Poe Room, 400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 Map (A few blocks from both the Lexington Market Metro stop and the Lexington Market Light Rail stop). Optionally afterwards continue with drinks and conversation at a nearby eatery across the street. Questions or to carpool:
mail [at] or 410-812-1447.

Wed, April 22, 2009 EARTH DAY


Chesapeake Climate Action Network site -see this site for cutting edge local climate activism and climate activism news at

Local Climate Action/Climate Change groups:
Baltimore -
Greenbelt -
Howard County -
Transition Towns DC area group -

National Climate Change Groups

Transitions Towns - &

Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light - has many great climate change resources and a local calendar here

Simplicity Matters Earth Institute (SMEI) calendar is here . SMEI offers discussion and action circles in the MD from Balti to Frederick to Annapolis and DC on voluntary simplicity, globalization, etc, and a new popular 4 week discussion circle on global warming. Info at: . Also Bethesda and Baltimore Sunday night Forums

EVERY TUES - Radio and TV on Climate Change
10 to 11 AM - Earthbeat with Mike Tidewell & Daphne Wisham WFMW 89.3 FM DC - listen online at
9pm ON TV - "The Green" on Sundance - Info: